El Nido Gris

Una referencia gráfica del mundo de los Cuervos Grises.


Caballero Bartenio

Un caballero Bartenio. Los hombres del Barón D´Aren no llevan el penacho en el casco, y suelen llevar largas coletas recogiendo el pelo.


Blogger Barbara said...

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Just like the airlines do in offering outrageously low fares for travelers to fly them, or the car ... Read Recent Entries Price Cutting for Wireless Web Services On the Horizon (8/27/2005) Competition Brewing to Provide Wireless Access to the Shenandoah Valley (8/27/2005) It's your weekly best of Weblogs, Inc.
Hey, you have a great blog here!

I have a ##Poster, Art Print ## site. It pretty much covers a wide variety of ##posters and art prints## . You can also choose to add ##images## to your site through the ##poster## affiliate I'm using (they're very reputable).

Come and check it out if you get time :-)

6:20 p. m.  

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